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Air temperature: 66.92 (°F)
19.4 (°C)
Wind speed:2 (km/h)
Wind direction: N, 358.3 °
Global radiation: 0.8 (W/m²)
Act. UV-Index: 0
Precipitation: 0.0 (ltr/m²)
(Updated: 09/08/2024, 07:30,
S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz
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10. Maps with indications for the planning (map-XIV, pages 1 to 12)
Open land

Open land with a significant climatic relevance: This includes mainly climate-relevant open land with a direct link to settlement areas, like green spaces in the inner city or close to settlement areas or those located in the catchment area of a mountain or valley wind system. They also comprise unbuilt valleys and clefts with cold air flows and they have high restrictions in terms of settlement. Large and cohesive open land, like the Schönbuch natural park, Langes Feld and the Schurwald forest, is also of great significance for the urban centre.

These areas have been evaluated with a high sensitivity towards changes of use, i.e. that constructional uses and those contributing to the sealing of the ground lead to serious climatic disturbances. This is also true for measures obstructing the mixing of the air.

If planning is considered despite climatic objections, it is essential to take account of these aspects during planning, if necessary on the basis of special expert opinions.

Open land with a less significant climatic relevance: This open land either has no direct link to settlement areas, i.e. that the produced cold and fresh air does not flow directly towards the built-up area, or only a low production of cold air due to the conditions (e.g. gravel surfaces, landfill surfaces etc.).

These areas have been evaluated with a lower sensitivity towards changes of use.

A moderate development is possible from the climatic point of view, if it does not affect substantially the regional air exchange.

But what has to be considered during planning are climatically important local conditions, like clefts, openings and courses of a stream. In order to keep the negative effects on the climate as limited as possible, our recommendation is to conserve green spaces and corridors, support the greening of roofs and facades, keep the height of buildings as low as possible as well as arrange buildings in a way to ensure wind exposure.

The planning of building measures in areas like this can benefit from an evaluation by an official expert as for the dimensioning and arrangement of buildings as well as for the realization of green and ventilation openings.

Open land with a minor climatic relevance: These areas have only little climatic impact on settlement areas as they are either averted from settlements due to their location and exposure or relatively insignificant for the production of cold and fresh air. These areas also comprise zones within a large climatic potential that is not directly linked to an agglomeration area. Constructional measures in these areas partly lead to only minor climatic changes, i.e. that they are relatively stable in regard to limited changes of use.

This classification is especially applied to knolls, which are characterized by sustainable aeration and a minor tendency towards the formation of heat islands. This is also true for large and well-aerated regions with indistinct topographic conditions, which do not lie in close proximity to densely populated settlement areas.

From a climatic point of view, even tower blocks or large commercial enterprises can be built here. What has to be considered is the conservation of aeration possibilities in regard to the prevailing wind direction. Attention must also be paid to the existing quantity of emissions, i.e. that no sensitive uses are to be planned near commercial locations or heavily frequented transport routes.


© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology