Current meteorological data
Air temperature: 58.28 (°F)
14.6 (°C)
Wind speed:4 (km/h)
Wind direction: S-S-O, 165.5 °
Global radiation: 86.0 (W/m²)
Act. UV-Index: 0
Precipitation: 0.0 (ltr/m²)
(Updated: 10/24/2024, 16:00,
S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz
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9. Climate analysis maps (map-XIII, pages 1 to 12)
Air exchange

What is important for the climate of an area in the context of air exchange is marked by arrow signatures. These signatures refer to both local, thermally induced wind systems (cold-air flows) and the favouring of regional winds through the canalization of the prevailing wind direction for example.

Cold air that was produced during the night flows downhill when the inclination is appropriate. Downslope winds mostly occur in clefts and have effects up to an altitude of only a few meters above the ground. But they are strongly obstructed by obstacles like buildings or embankments.

If downslope winds from a larger catchment area gather in valleys, a mountain and valley wind system of several decametres is formed. During the night cooling, the cold air flows downhill (mountain wind); when the hillsides warm rapidly after sunrise, uphill air flows can develop (valley wind). Two different arrow sizes are used on this map according to the extent and significance of the mountain and valley wind systems.

Particularly marked mountain and valley wind systems can be found in the following valleys for example: Glems valley, Würm valley, Siebenmühlen valley, Aich valley, Nesenbach valley and Neckar Valley west of Nürtingen. These winds also occur in indented valleys with larger cold air drainage areas like the Feuerbach valley, Strümpfelbach valley, Beutelsbach valley, Buchenbach valley, Körsch valley and Rohracker valley.

The ventilation lane signature highlights areas where the regional wind influence can develop freely, especially as for the prevailing wind direction. Double arrows illustrate that an intense mixing of the air only occurs in the indicated directions due to canalization effects. This is the case for valleys with wind channelling effect, cols in ridges and large flat surfaces with a minor surface roughness (Filder plains) as well as for dense settlement areas located in open land with only limited voluminous development.

Examples for this are the Rems valley between Waiblingen and Remshalden, the Murr valley near Kirchberg-Burgstetten, the Neckar Valley near Benningen, the Filder plains near the airport, Langes Feld near Kornwestheim as well as cols near Leinfelden-Echterdingen.

If strong pollutant sources are situated within these ventilation lanes, they are represented as polluted ventilation lanes.

These include e.g. the Neckar Valley between Stuttgart and Plochingen and between Nürtingen and Wendlingen, the Lauter valley between Wendlingen and Kirchheim, the Schüttelgraben rift south of Waiblingen, clefts within cities like Waiblingen, Stuttgart-Feuerbach, Stuttgart-Mitte, Ludwigsburg-Eglosheim, Korntal-Münchingen and finally cols and pass-like situations in built-up areas like the Pragsattel ridge in Stuttgart and Stuttgart-Ost.


© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology