Current meteorological data
Air temperature: 32.18 (°F)
0.1 (°C)
Wind speed:1 (km/h)
Wind direction: O, 94.3 °
Global radiation: -- (W/m²)
Act. UV-Index: 0
Precipitation: 0.1 (ltr/m²)
(Updated: 01/15/2025, 07:30,
S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz
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Particulate matter in Stuttgart on New Year's eve 2024 (German)
PM10 and PM2.5 (New Year's eve)
Stuttgart noise action plan, public participation, dates for information events (German)
Update 2025
Climate Center Stuttgart
Climate Dashboard Stuttgart
Summer Days and Hot Days in Stuttgart (until 2024)
Air: Press releases (German)
UV-Index Prognosis (BfS)
Urban climate Viewer: Maps and plans with detailed thematic maps on climate, air and noise
Noise Maps Stuttgart 2022
Noise action plan Stuttgart
Clean air plan Stuttgart
NO2 and PM10 exceedances
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3. The regional climate and air situation
Sulphur dioxide

Long-term development of sulphur dioxide (SO2)
The average annual concentration of SO2 outside of residential estates in the region of Stuttgart is 25 to more than 35 µg/m3 and the short-term concentration 130 to more than 170 µg/m3. On the contrary, the analysis also shows that for many areas in Southwest Germany the limit value of 25 µg/m3 for sensitive plants, determined by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, is met on average or even stayed below. The highest values (> 35 µg/m3) are registered especially in the Neckar and Upper Rhine region. The limit value for the short-term concentration at extreme locations (75 µg/m3) is exceeded nearly everywhere. Pollution increases rapidly towards lower areas (the Neckar basin and the Rhine rift valley).


© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology