Current meteorological data
Air temperature: 58.28 (°F)
14.6 (°C)
Wind speed:4 (km/h)
Wind direction: S-S-O, 165.5 °
Global radiation: 86.0 (W/m²)
Act. UV-Index: 0
Precipitation: 0.0 (ltr/m²)
(Updated: 10/24/2024, 16:00,
S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz
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Average monthly and annual values in Stuttgart


January is the coldest month of the year with an average temperature only slightly above 32 °F (0 °C). As a result, people heat a lot (the month of January covers about 17 % of the annual heating activity) and this leads to higher sulphur dioxide emissions in this month, especially due to coal and fuel combustion. As the winter months are characterised by a reduced mixing of the air and frequent and long-lasting inversion weather conditions, other pollutants have also higher concentrations.

In consequence of a significant reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions from power plants, the reduction of the sulphur content in light fuel as well the conversion of heating systems to natural gas, the risk of a smog alarm in Stuttgart during the winter months has become most unlikely.

Although January as the coldest month of the year has an average temperature of 34.2 °F (1.2 °C) in the city centre and thus remains above 32 °F (0 °C), its cold potential can be seen in 5.9 ice days and 16.5 frost days. With a position of at most 19 degrees in the middle of the month, the low sun does not have enough energy to warm the air.

The formation of low-pressure areas over the Atlantic reaches its maximum in January as cold air masses from Canada meet warm air from above the Gulf Stream. And the Asian high finally comes to Europe and causes a severe cold wave. In this stable high-pressure weather situation there is mostly only little mixing of the air and this leads to a higher pollutant concentration in the air. The lowest temperature measured in Stuttgart centre was -5.3 °F (-20.7 °C), in Hohenheim -7.9 °F (-22.2 °C). The month of January is also known as midwinter.

Weather lore:

- Jack Frost in Janiveer nips the nose of the nascent year.

- If January kalends be summerly gay, it will be winterly weather to the kalends of May.


Average monthly values of the climatic elements measured in Stuttgart-Zentrum (312 m), Stuttgart-Schnarrenberg (314) and Stuttgart-Hohenheim (420 m)


Climatic element STUTTGART Stuttgart-Hohenheim
1951-1980 1961-1990
Average temperature
(in °F/°C)
34.1/ 1.2 32.9/ 0.5 31.5/ -0.3 31.6/ -0.2
Maximum temperature
(in °F/°C)
65.8/ 18.8 (1991) 60.2/ 15.7 - 62.4/ 16.9 (1991)
Minimum temperature
(in °F/°C)
-5.3/ -20.7 (1985) -6.2/ -21.2 - -11.6/ -24.2 (1987)
Ice days (in days) 5.9 7 8.4 7.8
Frost days (in days) 16.5 19 20.8 21.0
Heating days (in days) 31.0 - 31.0 31.0
Degree-day figure * 576 - - -
Summer days (in days) 0 0 0 0
Hot days (in days) 0 0 0 0
Sultry days (in days) 0 - 0 0
Rain days (in days) 13.5 10 16.1 17.0
Thunderstorm days
(in days)
- - 0.1 0
Amount of precipitation
(in mm)
43 37.5 40 41
Evaporation (in mm) - 12 - -
Highes point of the sun (degrees) 19 19 19 19
Possible sunshine hours (in hours) 267 267 267 267
Average amount of sunshine hours (in hours) 53 - 62 64
Global radiation (in W/m²) - - 42 -


(Figures in red respresent the years between 1961-1990, figures in black the years between 1951-1980)
*( degree-day figure = average from the years 1982 - 1997)
**( after the relocation of the Weather Central, the given values are those for Stuttgart - Schnarrenberg)



© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology