Current meteorological data
Air temperature: 58.28 (°F)
14.6 (°C)
Wind speed:4 (km/h)
Wind direction: S-S-O, 165.5 °
Global radiation: 86.0 (W/m²)
Act. UV-Index: 0
Precipitation: 0.0 (ltr/m²)
(Updated: 10/24/2024, 16:00,
S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz
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Similar to the other two winter months, the month of December has a higher level of pollution. Temperatures are considerably lower and heating becomes more and more important. Other reasons for the pollution are extremely short days (8 hours) and an only very limited mixing of the air. Due to only little insolation, the ozone concentration is reduced to an extremely low level.

Similar to the other months, the ambient air concentration of nitrogen dioxide is on a relatively high level in December with partly high short-time peak values.

An area of high pressure coming from Siberia often reaches Europe in mid-December and brings low temperatures. This weather situation is usually ended by the breakup weather around Christmas. Only three times in ten years do we have snow for Christmas, a sad fact for children. With 18 degrees, the sun reaches its lowest position in December (winter solstice) and the amount of sunshine hours is low (only 50 and 59 hours). Even the inner city records 15 frost days and it is no surprise to see that every day is a heating day. With an amount of only slightly above 40 l/m², December is a month with low precipitation.

Weather lore:

- A green Christmas brings a heavy harvest

- Winter thunder, rich man's food and poor man's hunger.


Average monthly values of the climatic elements measured in Stuttgart-Zentrum (312 m), Stuttgart-Schnarrenberg (314) and Stuttgart-Hohenheim (420 m)


Climatic element STUTTGART Stuttgart-Hohenheim
1951-1980 1961-1990
Average temperature
(in °F/°C)
35.9/ 2.2 34.7/ 1.5 33.4/ 0.8 33.6/ 0.9
Maximum temperature
(in °F/°C)
67.8/ 19.9 (1979) 62.9/ 17.2 62.8/ 17.1 (1953) -
Minimum temperature
(in °F/°C)
2.5/ -16.4 (1962) 0.3/ -17.6 -2.6/ -19.2 (1962) -
Ice days (in days) 4.5 6 6.9 6.8
Frost days (in days) 14.8 17 19.4 19.3
Heating days (in days) 31.0 - 31.0 -
Degree-day figure * 533 - - -
Summer days (in days) 0 0 0 0
Hot days (in days) 0 0 0 0
Sultry days (in days) 0 - 0 0
Rain days (in days) 13.5 10 15.3 16.0
Thunderstorm days
(in days)
- - 0.1 0.3
Amount of precipitation
(in mm)
43 40.7 40 47
Evaporation (in mm) - 12 - -
Highes point of the sun (degrees) 18 18 18 18
Possible sunshine hours (in hours) 251 251 251 251
Average amount of sunshine hours (in hours) 50 - 59 60
Global radiation (in W/m²) - - 31 -


(Figures in red respresent the years between 1961-1990, figures in black the years between 1951-1980)
*( degree-day figure = average from the years 1982 - 1997)
**( after the relocation of the Weather Central, the given values are those for Stuttgart - Schnarrenberg)



© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology