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9.0 (°C)
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Act. UV-Index: 0
Precipitation: 0.0 (ltr/m²)
(Updated: 10/23/2024, 07:00,
S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz
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6. Emission inventory
Total emissions

The most important substances in the total emissions in Greater Stuttgart are summarized in table 6.1.

You can see that motorized traffic is the main source of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide emissions as well as of the emission of organic gases and vapours.

As for sulphur dioxide and dusts, business and industry is predominant but on a much lower level of emissions.

 in t/a
CO NOx CnHm SO2 Staub

 Air traffic

100 707
 96 644
3 776
30 478
18 314
12 056
21 456
 17 202
4 083
1 469
2 062
 Domestic  fuel 16 053 2 649 1 536 3 646  732
 and  industry  
2 101 9 973 15 975 10 173 2 971
 Total  emissions  118 861 43 100 38 967 15 288 5 765

Table 6.1: Total emissions in Greater Stuttgart (source: Clean air plan for Greater Stuttgart 1991)

NOx emissions (43,100 t/a)

Motorized traffic in the whole region of Stuttgart causes ten times more NOx emissions (30,478 t/a, 71 %) than domestic fuel (2,649 t/a, 6 %) and three times more than business and industry (9,973 t/a, 23 %).

Organic gases and vapours (38,967 t/a)

Motorized traffic produces 21,456 t/a (55 %) of organic gases and vapours, business and industry 15,975 t/a (41 %) and domestic fuel 1,536 t/a (4 %). Motorized traffic contributes indirectly but to a high degree to the emissions of business and industry through the handling and storage of Otto fuel, for example.

SO2 emissions (15,288 t/a)

As for SO2, the situation differs completely from that of nitrogen oxides and organic gases and vapours, not only in that it has fewer emissions. Only 9.5 % of the emissions comes from traffic (1,469 t/a), while 24 % is caused by domestic fuel (3,646 t/a) and 66.5 % by business and industry (10,173 t/a).

Dust emissions (5,765 t/a)

52 % (2,971 t/a) of dust emissions is caused by business and industry, 36 % (2,062 t/a) by domestic fuel and 13 % (732 t/a) by motorized traffic.

CO emissions (118,861 t/a)

CO emissions, which represent the biggest amount of emissions but which are less significant in what is immission, are caused to 84.7 % (100,707 t/a) by traffic, to 13.5 % (16,053 t/a) by domestic fuel and only to 2 % (2,101 t/a) by business and industry.

Areal distribution of the emissions

The areal distribution of the emissions is illustrated in the maps-IV to VI for three major pollutants or pollutant groups. In contrast to the emission inventory of the middle Neckar region (which gives the emissions separately according to source groups), these maps indicate the total emissions, i.e. the sum of emissions of the individual source groups. They are given in tons per year (t/a) for each square kilometre of the Gauss-Krüger coordinate system.


© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology