Current meteorological data | |
Air temperature: | 35.42 (°F) |
1.9 (°C) | |
Wind speed: | 3 (km/h) |
Wind direction: | S-S-W, 202.4 ° |
Global radiation: | -- (W/m²) |
Act. UV-Index: | 0 |
Precipitation: | 0.0 (ltr/m²) |
(Updated: 12/04/2024, 21:30, S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz |
More meteorological data | |
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Webcams in Stuttgart |
Weather forecast Stuttgart |
Weather forecast Europe |
Weather radar Germany |
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News and current events |
Stuttgart noise action plan, public participation, dates for information events (German) | |
Update 2025 | |
Current number of summer days and hot days in Stuttgart 2024 | |
Current graphics | |
Climate Center Stuttgart | |
Climate Dashboard Stuttgart | |
Summer Days and Hot Days in Stuttgart (until 2024) | |
Air: Press releases (German) | |
UV-Index Prognosis (BfS) | |
Urban climate Viewer: Maps and plans with detailed thematic maps on climate, air and noise | |
Noise Maps Stuttgart 2022 | |
Noise action plan Stuttgart | |
Clean air plan Stuttgart | |
NO2 and PM10 exceedances | |
Current measurements from the stations (LUBW) | |
Picture gallery More news | |
On the following pages, the Section of Urban Climatology from within the Office for Environmental Protection of the City of Stuttgart provides information on climate, air and noise - and this not only for Stuttgart. |
December |
Similar to the other two winter months, the month of December has a higher level of pollution. In these months near streets with a lot of traffic PM10 and nitrogene dioxide concentrations contribute to the exceedance of limit values. As temperatures are definitely low, heating becomes more and more important. Other reasons for the pollution are extremely short days (8 hours) and an only very limited mixing of the air. An area of high pressure coming from Siberia often reaches Europe in mid-December and brings low temperatures. This weather situation is usually ended by the breakup weather around Christmas. With an amount of only slightly above 40 l/m², December is a month with low precipitation. For more informations on the monthly and yearly average values in Stuttgart please visit the chapter on the Climate calendar - month. |
© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology |