Current meteorological data
Air temperature: 31.82 (°F)
-0.1 (°C)
Wind speed:4 (km/h)
Wind direction: O, 89.3 °
Global radiation: -- (W/m²)
Act. UV-Index: 0
Precipitation: 0.0 (ltr/m²)
(Updated: 02/15/2025, 24:00,
S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz
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Average monthly and annual values in Stuttgart


In comparison to the previous months, the ambient air concentration of air pollutants is significantly higher in October. This is a consequence of both an intensified heating activity and a change in the mixing conditions in the atmosphere. The increase in the nitrogen monoxide concentration is particularly strong. The average ambient air concentration recorded in Zuffenhausen, for example, is 102 µg/m³, i.e. almost twice as much as in September. The increase measured at other stations is also nearly 100 %. The ambient air concentration of carbon monoxide averages less than 1.0 mg/m³ and thus remains on a low level.

The ozone values are partly no more than a third of the summer values. This is the result of a reduced insolation of less than 100 W/m².

Autumn reaches its climax in October. The changed and various colours of the leaves and sunny weather conditions (which come along with frequent high-pressure weather situations) brought about the designation "Golden October".

Cool nights can even bring night frost and temperatures as low as about 26.6 °F (-3 °C) in the inner city. The earliest frost day in the inner city occurred on 9 October 1955. So Stuttgart's centre has about 150 days above freezing. A minimum number of rain days and an average amount of precipitation of only slightly more than 40 mm turn the month of October into the preferred time for backpacking and hiking.

The average temperature in October is close to the annual average temperature. 28 heating days in October are evidence of the beginning of the heating period. Towards the end of the month, the first snow may fall.

Weather lore:

- In October dung your field, and your land it's wealth will yield.

- If ducks do slide at Hollantide (old Halloween), at Christmas they will swim; If ducks do swim at Hollantide, at Christmas they will slide.


Average monthly values of the climatic elements measured in Stuttgart-Zentrum (312 m), Stuttgart-Schnarrenberg (314) and Stuttgart-Hohenheim (420 m)


Climatic element STUTTGART Stuttgart-Hohenheim
1951-1980 1961-1990
Average temperature
(in °F/°C)
50.4/ 10.2 50.0/ 10.0 48.0/ 8.9 48.9/ 9.4
Maximum temperature
(in °F/°C)
85.8/ 29.9 (1966) 85.5/ 29.7 85.6/ 29.8 (1985) -
Minimum temperature
(in °F/°C)
26.9/ -2.8 (1955) 25.7/ -3.5 21.6/ -6.8 (1955) -
Ice days (in days) 0 0 0 0
Frost days (in days) 0.6 2 2.5 2.4
Heating days (in days) 28.1 - 30.0 -
Degree-day figure * 285 - - -
Summer days (in days) 0.4 0 0.1 0.3
Hot days (in days) 0 0 0 0
Sultry days (in days) 0.2 - - -
Rain days (in days) 10.5 9 12.4 -
Thunderstorm days
(in days)
- - 0.1 0.3
Amount of precipitation
(in mm)
42 40.6 41 44
Evaporation (in mm) - 28 - -
Highes point of the sun (degrees) 31 31 31 31
Possible sunshine hours (in hours) 329 329 329 329
Average amount of sunshine hours (in hours) 127 - 133 130
Global radiation (in W/m²) - - 94 -


(Figures in red respresent the years between 1961-1990, figures in black the years between 1951-1980)
*( degree-day figure = average from the years 1982 - 1997)
**( after the relocation of the Weather Central, the given values are those for Stuttgart - Schnarrenberg)



© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology