Current meteorological data
Air temperature: 48.2 (°F)
9.0 (°C)
Wind speed:3 (km/h)
Wind direction: S, 180.0 °
Global radiation: -- (W/m²)
Act. UV-Index: 0
Precipitation: 0.0 (ltr/m²)
(Updated: 10/23/2024, 07:00,
S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz
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June is characterized by both relatively high ozone levels (with maximum amounts above the critical level of 180 µg/m³) and an extremely low ambient air concentration of sulphur dioxide. While primarily traffic-related pollutants, like nitrogen monoxide and carbon monoxide, have a significantly lower concentration in summer as a result of a better mixing of the air, this effect is nonexistent in the case of nitrogen dioxide. The decreasing ambient air concentration of nitrogen dioxide due to an intensified mixing of the air is compensated by an increased level of nitrogen dioxide formation through photochemical processes. The average nitrogen dioxide values in June show that the ambient air concentration is higher in the densely built-up centre of Stuttgart (40-50 µg/m³) than in the surrounding region (30-40 µg/m³).

Pressure drops above the Persian Gulf and the Arctic combined with a pressure rise above the Azorean region lead to an intensified North-West component of the wind and a drop in temperature until 15 June ("sheep's cold snap"). Despite this cold front of monsoon maritime air, summer is evidently gaining ground. The average temperature in the city is more than 62.6 °F (17 °C), the maximum temperature can reach more than 86 °F (30 °C). The sun reaches its highest position of the year on 21 June (summer solstice). 94 litres of precipitation per square metre turn June into the month with the highest amount of precipitation of the year.

Weather lore:

- A leaky May and a warm June bring on the harvest very soon.

- A good leak in June sets all in tune.


Average monthly values of the climatic elements measured in Stuttgart-Zentrum (312 m), Stuttgart-Schnarrenberg (314) and Stuttgart-Hohenheim (420 m)


Climatic element STUTTGART Stuttgart-Hohenheim
1951-1980 1961-1990
Average temperature
(in °F/°C)
62.8/ 17.1 61.5/ 16.4 60.3/ 15.7 60.4/ 15.8
Maximum temperature
(in °F/°C)
92.5/ 33.6 (1967) 91.2/ 32.9 90.5/ 32.5 (1967) -
Minimum temperature
(in °F/°C)
36.9/ 2.7 (1962) 35.4/ 1.9 36.1/ 2.3 (1962) -
Ice days (in days) 0 0 0 0
Frost days (in days) 0 0 0 0
Heating days (in days) 8.5 - 12.7 -
Degree-day figure * 76 6 5.8 6.0
Summer days (in days) 7.7 3 2.2 1.9
Hot days (in days) 0.8 - 0.6 0.4
Sultry days (in days) 2.8 - - -
Rain days (in days) 14.6 15 16.0 16.0
Thunderstorm days
(in days)
- - 5.1 6.8
Amount of precipitation
(in mm)
94 93.2 92 92
Evaporation (in mm) - 73 - -
Highes point of the sun (degrees) 66 66 66 -
Possible sunshine hours (in hours) 477 477 477 477
Average amount of sunshine hours (in hours) 210 - 210 211
Global radiation (in W/m²) - - 237 -


(Figures in red respresent the years between 1961-1990, figures in black the years between 1951-1980)
*( degree-day figure = average from the years 1982 - 1997)
**( after the relocation of the Weather Central, the given values are those for Stuttgart - Schnarrenberg)



© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology