Current meteorological data
Air temperature: 63.32 (°F)
17.4 (°C)
Wind speed:14 (km/h)
Wind direction: S-S-W, 204.7 °
Global radiation: -- (W/m²)
Act. UV-Index: 0
Precipitation: 0.0 (ltr/m²)
(Updated: 10/22/2024, 05:00,
S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz
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2. Climate and air as planning factors
Table 2.1: A comparison between a city and its surrounding region

 Element  Measure  Difference to the  surrounding region
 Radiation  Global radiation
 Hours of sunshine
 up to 20 % less
 up to 5 % less (summer)
 up to 30 % less (winter)
 up to 15 % less
 Temperature  Annual average
 Minimum during the night
 Heating days
 Length of frost period
 Ground inversion
 up to 1.5 K higher
 up to 12 K higher
 up to 10 % less
 up to 25 % shorter
 hardly existing in the city
 Humidity  Annual average  up to 2 % less (winter)
 up to 10 % less (summer)
 Evaporation  Average value  up to 60 % less
 Wind speed  Annual average
 Lulls (calms)
 up to 30 % less
 up to 20 % weaker
 up to 20 % more frequent
 Cloudiness  Cloud coverage  up to 10 % higher
 Visibility  Frequency of fogs
 Visibility up to 5 km
 slightly lower
 significantly worse
 Precipitation  Amount of precipitation
 Days with more than
 5 mm
 Days with snowfall
 up to 10 % higher
 up to 10 % more

 up to 5 % less
 up to 65 % less
 Air impurities    significantly increased

Table 2.1: A comparison between a city and its surrounding region (LANDSBERG, 1981; varied)


© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology