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Air temperature: 63.32 (°F)
17.4 (°C)
Wind speed:14 (km/h)
Wind direction: S-S-W, 204.7 °
Global radiation: -- (W/m²)
Act. UV-Index: 0
Precipitation: 0.0 (ltr/m²)
(Updated: 10/22/2024, 05:00,
S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz
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8. Noise

Noise is one of the main factors of the ecological threats of civilisation. More than two thirds of the population feel affected by road traffic noise. One person out of four or five feels truly annoyed with noise, in large cities one out of three or four.
8.1 Measurement

Relatively current noise measurements are available for the roads tangent to the plan area for Stuttgart 21, which were carried out in connection with the - not yet finished - updating of the traffic noise mapping in Stuttgart.

Territory according to the Federal Land Utilisation Ordinance Day Night
MK, GE (business and commercial area) 65 55
MI (mixed area for both business and residential buildings) 60 50
WA (residential area) 55 45
Table 8-1: Sound technological reference values in dB(A)

The noise levels determined for the daylight hours (6 am to 10 pm) are listed in table 8-2 and the values always refer to the roadside. The noise levels for the night (10 pm to 6 am) are lower by 10 dB(A), in the case of A-roads (e.g. Heilbronner Straße) by 7 dB(A).

The sound technological reference values of Supplement 1 to DIN 18005 (noise protection in urban development) can be used for interpreting the situation (table 8-1). The reference values are even to be applied to the borders of the concerned areas of each type of territory.

When comparing the measured values for roads within the plan area for Stuttgart 21 with the sound technological reference values, you can see that the reference values are now frequently exceeded.

Road Noise level
dB (A)
Noise level
dB (A)
Arnulf-Klett-Platz 74 64
Cannstatter Straße 77 70
Friedhofstraße between Heilbronner Str. and Nordbahnhofstraße 67 57
Goppeltstraße 53 43
Heilbronner Straße 76 69
Löwentor 71 61
Löwentorstraße 68 58
Mittnacht-/Knollstraße 67 57
Mönchstraße 57 47
Nordbahnhofstraße (southern part) 74 64
Nordbahnhofstraße (traffic-calmed part) 65 55
Nordbahnhofstraße (northern part) 70 60
Pragsattel (margin) 75 68
Pragsattel (centre) 77 70
Pragstraße 79 72
Presselstraße 62 52
Rosensteinstraße 73 68
Sarweystraße 64 54
Wolframstraße between Heilbronner and Nordbahnhofstraße 70 60
Table 8-2: Noise level at the roads within the plan area


© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology