Current meteorological data | |
Air temperature: | 39.02 (°F) |
3.9 (°C) | |
Wind speed: | 4 (km/h) |
Wind direction: | S-S-W, 193.7 ° |
Global radiation: | -- (W/m²) |
Act. UV-Index: | 0 |
Precipitation: | 0.0 (ltr/m²) |
(Updated: 11/13/2024, 23:00, S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz |
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News and current events |
Stuttgart noise action plan, public participation, dates for information events (German) | |
Update 2025 | |
Current number of summer days and hot days in Stuttgart 2024 | |
Current graphics | |
Climate Center Stuttgart | |
Climate Dashboard Stuttgart | |
Summer Days and Hot Days in Stuttgart (until 2024) | |
Air: Press releases (German) | |
UV-Index Prognosis (BfS) | |
Urban climate Viewer: Maps and plans with detailed thematic maps on climate, air and noise | |
Noise Maps Stuttgart 2022 | |
Noise action plan Stuttgart | |
Clean air plan Stuttgart | |
NO2 and PM10 exceedances | |
Current measurements from the stations (LUBW) | |
Picture gallery More news | |
Current meteorological data | |
Air temperature: | 39.92 (°F), 4.4 (°C) |
Dew point temperature (without interactive evaluation) | 36.86 (°F), 2.7 (°C) |
Wind speed: | 0.8 (m/s), 2.9 (km/h) |
Wind direction: | N-O, 55.2 (Grad) |
Absolute humidity (without interactive evaluation) | 6.7 (g/m³) |
Relative humidity: | 88.5 (%) |
Absolute air pressure: (in 242 m altitude above-normal) | 1001.8 (hPa) |
Relative air pressure: (without interactive analysis) | 1032.4 (hPa) |
(Updated: 11/13/2024, 23:00) |
© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology |